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时间: 2024-10-06 16:46:21


1. The internet connection was down, so I couldn't access my emails.(网络连接中断了,所以我无法访问我的电子邮件。)

2. I felt an instant connection with the new colleague.(我和新同事有一种即时的联系。)

3. The connection between smoking and lung cancer is well-documented.(吸烟和肺癌之间的联系已经被充分记录。)

4. I have a strong connection to my hometown.(我对家乡有着深厚的情感。)

5. The flight had a layover in Atlanta for a connection to New York.(这班航班在亚特兰大停留,为了连接到纽约。)

6. The connection between the two events was not immediately clear.(这两个事件之间的联系并不立即清楚。)

7. She has a close connection with the local community.(她和当地社区有着密切的联系。)

8. The connection on the subway was delayed, causing me to miss my appointment.(地铁的连接延迟了,导致我错过了我的约会。)

9. I need to establish a better connection with my coworkers.(我需要和我的同事建立更好的联系。)

10. The connection between the two theories became apparent after further research.(进一步研究后,这两个理论之间的联系变得明显起来。)

11. 我们的家庭关系非常紧密。(Our family connection is very close.)

12. 这两个事件之间的联系很难理解。(The connection between these two events is difficult to understand.)

13. 我们需要一个更快速的互联网连接。(We need a faster internet connection.)

14. 他们之间的友谊是无法被打破的联系。(The connection between them is an unbreakable bond of friendship.)

15. 他们之间有一种特殊的联系。(There is a special connection between them.)

16. 这两个概念之间存在着深刻的联系。(There is a profound connection between these two concepts.)

17. 我们需要一个稳定的电源连接。(We need a stable power connection.)

18. 他们之间的联系是通过共同的兴趣建立起来的。(The connection between them is established through common interests.)

19. 这两个城市之间有一条直达的交通连接。(There is a direct transportation connection between these two cities.)

20. 我们需要一种更好的心灵交流。(We need a better emotional connection.)

上一个 【英语】connect的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】innocent的例句



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