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时间: 2024-09-10 03:52:10


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "consummate" with Chinese translations:

1. He was a consummate professional, always delivering projects ahead of schedule. (他是一个技艺精湛的专业人士,总是能提前完成项目。)

2. She displayed consummate skill in negotiating the complex deal. (她在复杂的交易谈判中展现了高超的技巧。)

3. Their love for each other was consummated with a beautiful wedding ceremony. (他们彼此之间的爱情通过一场美丽的婚礼得到了最好的证明。)

4. The artist's latest sculpture is a consummate expression of her talent. (这位艺术家最新的雕塑充分展示了她的才华。)

5. He is known for his consummate ability to solve problems under pressure. (他以在压力下解决问题的高超能力而闻名。)

6. The team's performance was a consummate demonstration of teamwork and skill. (团队的表现完美展示了团队合作和技能。)

7. They celebrated their anniversary with a consummate dinner at their favorite restaurant. (他们在最喜欢的餐馆举行了一场完美的周年庆祝晚宴。)

8. Her role in the film was a consummate portrayal of a conflicted character. (她在电影中的角色充分表现了一个内心矛盾的角色。)

9. He has a consummate ability to turn setbacks into opportunities. (他有把挫折转化为机遇的高超能力。)

10. The chef's signature dish was a consummate blend of flavors and textures. (这位厨师的招牌菜品味道和口感完美融合。)

11. The company's success is due to its consummate attention to customer needs. (公司的成功归功于它对客户需求的极致关注。)

12. Her piano performance was a consummate display of musical talent. (她的钢琴表演充分展示了她的音乐才华。)

13. They reached a consummate agreement after months of negotiations. (经过数月的谈判,他们达成了一个完美的协议。)

14. The mansion's design was a consummate example of Victorian architecture. (这座大厦的设计是维多利亚式建筑的完美典范。)

15. His reputation as a consummate storyteller grew with each new novel. (他作为一个高超的讲故事者的声誉随着每部新小说而增长。)


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