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时间: 2024-10-09 18:40:17


Certainly! "Consummation" 可以指完成、实现或达到某种高度或境界的意思。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The consummation of their years of research was the development of a groundbreaking new technology. (他们多年研究的成果是开发了一项开创性的新技术。)

2. Their marriage was finally consummated after years of courtship. (经过多年的求爱之后,他们的婚姻终于成就了。)

3. The treaty marked the consummation of months of negotiations between the two countries. (这项条约标志着两国数月谈判的完成。)

4. The painting represented the consummation of the artist's skill and creativity. (这幅画代表了艺术家技巧和创造力的极致表达。)

5. The consummation of her dreams came true when she won the championship. (她的梦想在赢得冠军时得以实现。)

6. The novel builds towards a dramatic consummation in the final chapters. (小说在最后几章节中达到了戏剧性的高潮。)

7. The project reached its consummation with the publication of the results. (该项目通过结果的发布达到了顶峰。)

8. The artist saw the completion of his masterpiece as the consummation of his life's work. (艺术家将他的杰作完成视为他毕生努力的顶峰。)

9. The consummation of the deal was celebrated with a lavish party. (交易的完成被一场豪华的派对庆祝。)

10. Their love story had a perfect consummation with a romantic wedding on the beach. (他们的爱情故事在海滩上浪漫的婚礼上有了完美的圆满。)

11. The consummation of the project required extensive collaboration between teams. (项目的完成需要团队之间广泛的合作。)

12. The treaty was seen as the consummation of diplomatic efforts to establish peace in the region. (这项条约被视为在该地区建立和平的外交努力的完成。)

13. The consummation of his ambition to climb Mount Everest was achieved after years of preparation. (他攀登珠穆朗玛峰的雄心在多年的准备后得以实现。)

14. The consummation of her academic career was marked by the award of a prestigious fellowship. (她学术生涯的顶峰是被授予了一项声望很高的学术奖学金。)

15. The consummation of their partnership led to the creation of a successful business empire. (他们合作的成就导致了成功的商业帝国的建立。)


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