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时间: 2024-09-10 04:09:29


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "contagion," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The contagion of laughter spread through the room, lifting everyone's spirits. (笑声的传染在房间里蔓延开来,让每个人的情绪都变得愉快。)

2. The economic contagion from one country's financial crisis can affect global markets. (一个国家金融危机带来的经济传染可能影响全球市场。)

3. Fear of the virus led to a contagion of panic buying in the city. (对病毒的恐惧导致了城市里疯狂抢购的传染。)

4. Social media has amplified the contagion of misinformation. (社交媒体放大了误传的传染效应。)

5. The contagion of fear among investors caused a sudden drop in stock prices. (投资者间的恐惧传染导致股票价格突然下跌。)

6. Her enthusiasm was contagious, inspiring everyone around her. (她的热情是具有感染力的,激励了她周围的每个人。)

7. The contagion of kindness and generosity created a supportive community. (善良和慷慨的传染效应打造了一个支持性的社区。)

8. Despite efforts to contain it, the contagion of rumors persisted. (尽管努力控制,但谣言的传染仍然持续存在。)

9. The contagion of optimism among the team helped them overcome many challenges. (团队中乐观情绪的传染帮助他们克服了许多挑战。)

10. The rapid contagion of the disease caught health officials off guard. (疾病的迅速传播使健康官员措手不及。)

11. The contagion of violence in the region escalated tensions further. (该地区暴力的传染进一步加剧了紧张局势。)

12. The contagion of innovation and creativity boosted productivity in the company. (创新和创造力的传染提升了公司的生产力。)

13. The emotional contagion of grief brought the community together in mourning. (悲伤的情绪传染使社区团结在一起哀悼。)

14. The contagious enthusiasm of the audience energized the performers on stage. (观众的热情是有感染力的,激发了舞台上的表演者。)

15. The contagion of hope spread across the nation during challenging times. (希望的传染在困难时期传遍了整个国家。)


上一个 【英语】tactility的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】contagious的例句



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