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时间: 2024-10-06 16:44:35


1. The rain was continuous all day, causing flooding in many areas.(整天下着连续的雨,导致许多地区发生洪水。)

2. She was unable to concentrate because of the continuous noise coming from the construction site.(由于来自建筑工地的持续噪音,她无法集中注意力。)

3. The continuous support from her family helped her get through the difficult times.(家人的持续支持帮助她度过了困难时期。)

4. The continuous improvement of technology has revolutionized the way we live.(技术的持续改进已经彻底改变了我们的生活方式。)

5. The teacher emphasized the importance of continuous learning in order to stay competitive in the job market.(老师强调了持续学习的重要性,以保持在就业市场上的竞争力。)

6. The movie had a continuous flow of action, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish.(这部电影有连续的动作,让观众从头到尾都很投入。)

7. The company offers continuous training to its employees to ensure they stay up-to-date with industry trends.(公司为员工提供持续培训,以确保他们与行业趋势保持同步。)

8. The music played in the background provided a continuous soundtrack to the evening.(背景音乐为晚上提供了连续的配乐。)

9. The marathon runner maintained a continuous pace throughout the race.(马拉松选手在整个比赛中保持了连续的步伐。)

10. The artist created a continuous line drawing that captured the beauty of the landscape.(艺术家创作了一幅连续线条的画作,捕捉了风景的美丽。)

11. Continuous exposure to sunlight can cause damage to the skin.(持续暴露在阳光下会对皮肤造成伤害。)

12. The continuous buzzing of the alarm clock finally woke him up.(闹钟持续的嗡嗡声终于把他吵醒了。)

13. The factory operates on a continuous basis, running 24 hours a day.(工厂是持续运营的,每天24小时不停歇。)

14. The continuous feedback from customers helped the company make improvements to its products.(来自客户的持续反馈帮助公司改进了产品。)

15. The garden was filled with continuous rows of colorful flowers.(花园里种满了连续排列的彩色花朵。)

16. The continuous growth of the economy has led to increased employment opportunities.(经济的持续增长导致了就业机会的增加。)

17. The novel was written in a continuous narrative style, with no breaks between chapters.(这部小说以连续叙述的方式写成,章节之间没有间断。)

18. The company values continuous innovation as a key driver of success.(公司视持续创新为成功的关键驱动力。)

19. The river flowed in a continuous stream, reflecting the sunlight as it meandered through the valley.(河流在连续的流动中穿过山谷,反射出阳光。)

20. The experiment required continuous monitoring to ensure accurate results.(实验需要持续监测以确保准确的结果。)

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