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时间: 2024-09-10 05:47:10


"Detrude" 是一个不太常见的词汇,意思是“强行推出”或“硬推出”。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The management decided to detrude the new policy despite strong opposition from the employees.

- 尽管员工强烈反对,管理层还是决定强行推行新政策。

2. The dictator attempted to detrude his ideology onto the populace.

- 独裁者试图把他的意识形态硬塞给人民。

3. They detruded him from the meeting after his disruptive behavior.

- 由于他的破坏行为,他被硬拉出了会议。

4. She felt they were trying to detrude her from the project she had initiated.

- 她觉得他们在试图排挤她离她发起的项目。

5. The company tried to detrude the faulty product quietly, but customers noticed.

- 公司试图悄悄地把有问题的产品推出市场,但顾客还是注意到了。

6. They detruded him from his position without any warning.

- 他们毫无预警地把他从职位上强行移除了。

7. The government's attempt to detrude the controversial law was met with protests.

- 政府试图强行通过那个具有争议的法律引发了抗议。

8. Despite efforts to detrude misinformation, it continued to spread.

- 尽管努力打击错误信息,但它继续传播开来。

9. He tried to detrude his personal beliefs into the conversation.

- 他试图把他个人的信念硬塞到谈话中去。

10. The principal detruded the disruptive students from the school assembly.

- 校长把破坏秩序的学生从学校集会中硬拉出去了。

11. They detruded the faulty equipment from production to prevent accidents.

- 他们将有故障的设备从生产线上强行移除,以防事故发生。

12. The board detruded him from the company due to financial mismanagement.

- 董事会因为他的财务管理不善将他硬拉出了公司。

13. The teacher detruded the disruptive student from the classroom.

- 老师把那个破坏纪律的学生硬拉出了教室。

14. They detruded the controversial article from the publication at the last minute.

- 他们在最后一刻把那篇有争议的文章硬拉出了出版物。

15. Despite protests, they detruded the unpopular decision.

- 尽管有抗议声音,他们还是强行推行了那个不受欢迎的决定。


上一个 【英语】protrusion的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】abstruse的例句



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