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时间: 2024-09-28 22:53:11


Certainly! "Duplicity" refers to deceitfulness, double-dealing, or dishonesty. Here are 15 sentences demonstrating its usage with Chinese explanations:

1. She was caught in a web of duplicity when her two-faced behavior was exposed. 她的虚伪行为暴露后,她陷入了一种欺诈的境地。

2. The politician's duplicity was evident when he promised one thing in public and did the opposite in private. 这位政治家在公开场合许诺一事,私下却又做了相反的事情,其虚伪显而易见。

3. The company's duplicity in hiding its financial troubles led to a loss of investor trust. 公司对于隐藏财务问题的欺骗性做法导致投资者信任的丧失。

4. His duplicity in business dealings eventually caught up with him, resulting in legal consequences. 他在商业交易中的欺诈行为最终追了上来,导致了法律后果。

5. The spy's duplicity allowed him to gain access to classified information undetected. 间谍的双重心机使他能够在不被察觉的情况下获取机密信息。

6. Her duplicity was evident in her ability to maintain two entirely different personas depending on the situation. 她的双重性格在她能够根据情况保持两种完全不同的人格方面表现得很明显。

7. The novel's plot hinges on the duplicity of the main character, who deceives everyone around him. 小说的情节关键在于主角的欺骗行为,他欺骗了周围的每个人。

8. Corporate scandals often involve layers of duplicity and deception by top executives. 企业丑闻往往涉及高层管理人员的多层欺骗和欺诈行为。

9. His duplicity was revealed when his conflicting statements to different groups were exposed. 他的虚伪行为在他对不同群体发表矛盾言论被揭露时暴露了出来。

10. The court saw through the lawyer's duplicity and dismissed the case based on false evidence. 法庭识破了律师的欺诈行为,并基于虚假证据驳回了案件。

11. Duplicity in relationships can erode trust and lead to emotional turmoil. 关系中的欺骗行为可能会侵蚀信任并导致情感混乱。

12. The detective's job was to uncover the duplicity of the suspect and prove his guilt. 侦探的任务是揭露嫌疑人的双重性格并证明他的罪行。

13. The film explores themes of duplicity and betrayal among friends. 电影探讨了朋友之间的欺骗和背叛主题。

14. The journalist's investigation uncovered a network of duplicity among government officials. 记者的调查揭露了政府官员之间的欺骗网络。

15. Despite her duplicity, she managed to maintain a facade of innocence to those around her. 尽管她虚伪,但她设法在周围人面前保持了清白的假象。

上一个 【英语】doubtful的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】duplex的例句



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