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时间: 2024-09-19 23:44:22



1. The duration of the movie is two hours.

- 这部电影的持续时间是两个小时。

2. He was absent for the duration of the meeting.

- 他在会议期间一直缺席。

3. The duration of the contract is one year.

- 合同的有效期是一年。

4. The medication needs to be taken for the full duration of the illness.

- 这药需要在疾病持续期间完全服用。

5. We need to measure the duration of the experiment carefully.

- 我们需要仔细测量实验的持续时间。

6. The bridge will be closed for the duration of the repairs.

- 在修理期间,桥梁将关闭。

7. The duration of the training program is six weeks.

- 培训项目的持续时间是六周。

8. She was out of town for the entire duration of the conference.

- 她在整个会议期间都不在城里。

9. The film's impact lasts beyond its duration.

- 这部电影的影响力超出了其时长。

10. We expect the power outage to last for a short duration.

- 我们预计停电的时间会很短。

11. The storm's duration was unexpectedly long.

- 风暴的持续时间出乎意料地长。

12. For the duration of his stay, he will be staying at a local hotel.

- 在他逗留期间,他将住在一家当地酒店。

13. The warranty covers the duration of three years.

- 保修期为三年。

14. He focused on the task for the entire duration of the exam.

- 他在整个考试期间都集中精力完成任务。

15. The duration of the training session was extended due to technical issues.

- 由于技术问题,培训会议的时间被延长了。


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