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时间: 2024-09-20 04:56:07


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "indurate," along with their Chinese translations:

1. His experiences in the war had indurated him to the sight of suffering. (他在战争中的经历使他对苦难视而不见。)

2. Years of hardship had indurated her heart against sympathy. (多年的艰难困苦使她的心对同情变得麻木。)

3. The criminal's repeated offenses only served to indurate public opinion against him. (罪犯不断的犯罪行为只会使公众对他的看法更加严厉。)

4. The extreme weather conditions gradually indurated the timber, making it more resistant to decay. (极端的天气条件逐渐使木材变得坚硬,使其更加耐腐蚀。)

5. Her father's strict discipline indurated her character from a young age. (她父亲严格的管教从小就使她的性格变得坚强。)

6. The constant rejections had indurated him to setbacks and failures. (持续的拒绝使他对挫折和失败变得无动于衷。)

7. The teacher's harsh criticisms seemed to indurate rather than motivate the students. (老师严厉的批评似乎更加使学生变得麻木,而不是激励他们。)

8. Over time, the volcanic rock had indurated into solid basalt. (随着时间的推移,火山岩变得坚硬,成为了坚固的玄武岩。)

9. The dictator's regime sought to indurate its grip on power through fear and repression. (独裁者的政权试图通过恐惧和镇压来巩固其对权力的控制。)

10. The surgeon used a special resin to indurate the bandages after the operation. (外科医生在手术后使用特殊的树脂来使绷带变硬。)

11. The young soldier's experiences in combat indurated him to the horrors of war. (年轻士兵在战斗中的经历使他对战争的恐怖变得麻木。)

12. The prolonged drought indurated the soil, making it difficult for crops to grow. (长时间的干旱使土壤变得坚硬,导致农作物难以生长。)

13. Her kindness and patience gradually indurated the hearts of even the most cynical individuals. (她的善良和耐心逐渐使最愤世嫉俗的人的心变得柔软。)

14. The prisoner's time in solitary confinement indurated him to loneliness and isolation. (囚犯在单独监禁中度过的时间使他对孤独和隔离变得无所畏惧。)

15. The constant exposure to pollutants had indurated the surface of the statue over the centuries. (多年来对污染物的不断暴露使雕像的表面变得坚硬。)


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