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时间: 2024-09-19 11:31:54


1. The dwarf in the fairy tale was known for his wisdom and kindness.


2. The garden was filled with colorful flowers and dwarf trees.


3. The dwarf star is much smaller and cooler than our sun.


4. The dwarf struggled to reach the top shelf in the kitchen.


5. The dwarf rabbit is a popular choice for small pet owners.


6. The dwarf planet Pluto was once considered the ninth planet in our solar system.


7. The dwarf actor was cast in the lead role of the new fantasy film.


8. The dwarfed tree struggled to grow in the rocky soil.


9. The dwarfed man stood proudly on the stage, commanding the attention of the audience.


10. The dwarf apple tree produces small, sweet fruits.


11. 他是个侏儒, 只有3英尺高。

(He is a dwarf, standing only 3 feet tall.)

12. 这个玩具犬是一种迷你品种,被称为侏儒犬。

(This toy dog is a miniature breed, known as a dwarf dog.)

13. 侏儒植物园里种满了各种矮小的植物。

(The dwarf garden is filled with various small plants.)

14. 这个侏儒行星的轨道离太阳很远。

(The orbit of this dwarf planet is far from the sun.)

15. 他在电影中扮演了一个侏儒的角色。

(He played the role of a dwarf in the movie.)

16. 这个侏儒星球是太阳系中的一个谜。

(This dwarf planet is a mystery in the solar system.)

17. 侏儒松树在庭院里看起来非常迷人。

(The dwarf pine tree looks very charming in the yard.)

18. 他因为身材矮小而被戏称为侏儒。

(He is jokingly called a dwarf because of his short stature.)

19. 这个侏儒品种的玫瑰花开得很漂亮。

(The dwarf variety of roses blooms beautifully.)

20. 这个侏儒银河系是一个小型的星系。

(This dwarf galaxy is a small-sized galaxy.)

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