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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:31


1. I don't want to dwell on the past. 我不想纠缠于过去。

2. She tends to dwell on negative thoughts. 她往往沉湎于消极的想法。

3. The house was a perfect place to dwell. 这栋房子是一个完美的居住地。

4. Let's not dwell on this issue any longer. 我们不要再纠缠这个问题了。

5. The book dwells on the importance of family. 这本书强调了家庭的重要性。

6. Many animals dwell in the forest. 许多动物栖息在森林中。

7. She dwells in a small cottage by the sea. 她住在海边的一间小屋里。

8. Let's not dwell on the negative aspects of the situation. 我们不要再纠结于这种情况的消极方面了。

9. The author dwells on the theme of love and loss. 作者着力探讨了爱与失落的主题。

10. They dwell in an old, run-down apartment. 他们住在一个破旧的老公寓里。

11. It's not healthy to dwell on past mistakes. 沉湎于过去的错误对健康不利。

12. The film dwells on the struggles of a young immigrant. 这部电影描述了一个年轻移民的挣扎。

13. The village dwellers were friendly and welcoming. 村里的居民友好而热情。

14. He doesn't like to dwell on his personal problems. 他不喜欢过多地思考自己的个人问题。

15. The song dwells on the pain of lost love. 这首歌强调了失恋的痛苦。

16. The novel dwells on the complexities of human relationships. 这部小说探讨了人际关系的复杂性。

17. They dwell in a remote mountain village. 他们住在一个偏僻的山村里。

18. She doesn't like to dwell on the negative aspects of life. 她不喜欢纠结于生活的消极方面。

19. The artist dwells on themes of nature and beauty. 这位艺术家着重表现自然和美的主题。

20. The old man dwells on memories of his youth. 老人沉浸在年轻时的回忆中。

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