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时间: 2024-09-20 00:41:28


Certainly! "Equable" means calm and even-tempered, or not easily disturbed. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese translations:

1. She remained equable even under intense pressure. 她即使在巨大压力下也保持平静。

2. His equable demeanor made him a favorite among his colleagues. 他平和的态度使他在同事中受欢迎。

3. The equable climate of the region attracts tourists year-round. 该地区宜人的气候全年吸引着游客。

4. Despite the chaos around her, she maintained an equable attitude. 尽管周围一片混乱,她依然保持平和的态度。

5. The equable distribution of resources helped foster cooperation among the teams. 资源的均匀分配有助于促进团队之间的合作。

6. He is known for his equable temperament, never letting anything upset him. 他以平和的脾气著称,从不让任何事情使他心烦意乱。

7. The equable flow of the river through the valley provided a picturesque view. 河水在峡谷间平缓流淌,呈现出一幅风景如画的景象。

8. Her equable voice soothed everyone in the room. 她平和的声音使房间里的每个人都感到安静。

9. The equable division of responsibilities among the team members ensured efficiency. 团队成员之间责任的均衡分配确保了效率。

10. Even during disagreements, he remained equable and diplomatic. 即使在分歧中,他也保持冷静和外交手腕。

11. The equable growth of the economy over the past decade has been remarkable. 过去十年间经济的平稳增长非常显著。

12. Her equable nature made her an excellent mediator in conflicts. 她平和的性格使她成为冲突中的出色调解人。

13. The equable climate conditions were perfect for growing grapes. 平和的气候条件非常适合种植葡萄。

14. Despite the criticism, he responded with an equable acceptance of feedback. 尽管受到批评,他仍平和地接受反馈。

15. The equable pace of life in the countryside was a welcome change for him. 乡村的平和生活节奏对他来说是一种受欢迎的改变。


上一个 【英语】equate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】adequacy的例句



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