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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:57


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "eulogize," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The family asked me to eulogize their father at the memorial service.

- 家人请我在追悼会上颂扬他们父亲。

2. She eulogized her mentor for his unwavering support and guidance.

- 她颂扬她的导师对她坚定不移的支持和指导。

3. The president eulogized the fallen soldiers for their sacrifice and bravery.

- 总统颂扬了那些牺牲和勇敢的士兵。

4. The priest eulogized the deceased as a pillar of the community.

- 牧师颂扬逝者是社区的支柱。

5. He eulogized his favorite author's latest novel in a heartfelt review.

- 他在一篇由衷的评论中颂扬了他最喜爱的作家的最新小说。

6. The speaker eulogized the achievements of the company over the past decade.

- 演讲者颂扬了公司过去十年的成就。

7. Friends and family gathered to eulogize the life of their beloved grandmother.

- 亲朋好友聚集一堂,颂扬他们深爱的祖母的一生。

8. Historians eulogize Alexander the Great for his military prowess and strategic brilliance.

- 历史学家颂扬亚历山大大帝的军事才能和战略智慧。

9. The author's latest book eulogizes the beauty of nature in poetic prose.

- 作者最新的书用诗意散文颂扬了大自然的美丽。

10. At the memorial, friends took turns eulogizing their departed friend.

- 在追悼会上,朋友们轮流颂扬他们已故的朋友。

11. The bishop eulogized the nun for her lifelong dedication to serving others.

- 主教颂扬这位修女终生致力于服务他人。

12. Artists eulogize the city's cultural diversity through their paintings.

- 艺术家们通过他们的画作颂扬这座城市的文化多样性。

13. During the ceremony, colleagues eulogized their retiring boss for his leadership and vision.

- 在仪式上,同事们颂扬了即将退休的老板的领导才能和远见。

14. Scholars eulogize Einstein for revolutionizing our understanding of physics.

- 学者们颂扬爱因斯坦为我们革新了对物理学的理解。

15. The poet's verses eulogize the courage and resilience of ordinary people.

- 这位诗人的诗句颂扬了普通人的勇气和韧性。

Hope these examples provide a clear understanding!

上一个 【英语】epitome的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】euphemism的例句



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