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时间: 2024-09-19 11:44:04



1. She is the epitome of grace and elegance. (她是优雅和风度的典范。)

2. The grand palace is the epitome of opulence and luxury. (这座宏伟的宫殿是富丽堂皇和豪华的典范。)

3. His behavior at the party was the epitome of rudeness. (他在派对上的行为是粗鲁的典范。)

4. The company's latest smartphone is the epitome of cutting-edge technology. (该公司最新推出的智能手机是尖端技术的典范。)

5. The novel is considered the epitome of romantic literature. (这部小说被认为是浪漫文学的典范。)

6. Her career success is the epitome of hard work and dedication. (她的职业成功是勤奋和奉献的典范。)

7. The ancient temple is the epitome of spiritual devotion. (这座古老的寺庙是精神虔诚的典范。)

8. His speech was the epitome of clarity and persuasion. (他的演讲是清晰和说服力的典范。)

9. The fashion designer's latest collection is the epitome of creativity and innovation. (这位时尚设计师的最新系列是创意和创新的典范。)

10. The film is the epitome of suspense and drama. (这部电影是悬疑和戏剧的典范。)

11. The medieval castle is the epitome of architectural marvel. (这座中世纪城堡是建筑奇迹的典范。)

12. Their relationship is the epitome of a perfect partnership. (他们的关系是完美合作的典范。)

13. The chef's signature dish is the epitome of gastronomic delight. (这位厨师的招牌菜是美食享受的典范。)

14. The painting is the epitome of artistic expression. (这幅画作是艺术表达的典范。)

15. The athlete's performance in the championship was the epitome of athletic prowess. (这位运动员在锦标赛上的表现是运动才能的典范。)


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