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时间: 2024-09-20 01:01:16


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "epilogue," along with Chinese explanations:

1. The epilogue of the novel provided closure to the main character's journey. (小说的尾声为主角的旅程画上了句号。)

2. In the epilogue, the author reflected on the themes explored throughout the book. (在尾声中,作者反思了整本书探讨的主题。)

3. The movie's epilogue revealed what happened to each character after the final scene. (电影的尾声展示了最后一幕之后每个角色的命运。)

4. She wrote a heartfelt epilogue thanking everyone who supported her during her journey. (她写了一篇衷心的尾声,感谢在她旅程中支持她的每个人。)

5. The epilogue is often used by authors to tie up loose ends in the story. (尾声通常被作者用来收尾故事中的未尽事宜。)

6. After the main narrative concluded, the epilogue offered a glimpse into the future. (主要叙述结束后,尾声为未来提供了一瞥。)

7. The epilogue serves as a reflection on the events that shaped the characters' lives. (尾声作为对塑造角色生活事件的反思。)

8. His epilogue was unexpectedly poignant, leaving readers with a lasting impression. (他的尾声出乎意料地令人感伤,给读者留下了深刻的印象。)

9. The epilogue clarified the unresolved conflicts from earlier chapters. (尾声澄清了早期章节中未解决的冲突。)

10. In the epilogue, the protagonist finally found peace after years of struggle. (在尾声中,主人公终于在多年的挣扎后找到了平静。)

11. The epilogue revealed the true intentions of the antagonist, surprising everyone. (尾声揭示了反派的真实意图,令所有人感到意外。)

12. The epilogue included a brief summary of the historical events that inspired the novel. (尾声包括了激发小说灵感的历史事件的简要总结。)

13. After the climactic battle, the epilogue explored the aftermath for each character. (在高潮战斗后,尾声探讨了每个角色的事后情况。)

14. The epilogue served as an emotional conclusion to the story, tying together all the threads. (尾声作为故事的情感结尾,将所有线索联系在一起。)

15. Readers often skip to the epilogue to see how the story ultimately resolves. (读者经常跳到尾声部分,看看故事最终是如何解决的。)


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