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时间: 2024-09-19 11:27:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "evacuate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The government ordered residents to evacuate the coastal area ahead of the hurricane. (政府命令居民在飓风来临之前撤离海岸地区。)

2. The building was evacuated due to a gas leak. (因为煤气泄漏,建筑物被疏散。)

3. They had to evacuate the entire town because of the approaching wildfire. (他们不得不因为逼近的森林大火而疏散整个小镇。)

4. The soldiers were ordered to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield. (士兵们接到命令,从战场上撤离伤员。)

5. The hotel was evacuated when the fire alarm went off. (火灾警报响起时,酒店被疏散了。)

6. Residents were evacuated from their homes during the flood. (洪水期间,居民被疏散离开了家园。)

7. The school was evacuated after the bomb threat. (爆炸威胁之后,学校被疏散了。)

8. We were instructed to evacuate the area immediately. (我们接到指令,立即撤离该地区。)

9. The military was sent in to evacuate civilians trapped by the fighting. (军方被派去撤离被战斗困住的平民。)

10. The rescue team worked tirelessly to evacuate survivors from the collapsed building. (救援队不知疲倦地工作,从倒塌的建筑物中撤离幸存者。)

11. Citizens were warned to evacuate as the volcano showed signs of eruption. (市民们被警告要撤离,因为火山显示出喷发的迹象。)

12. Emergency crews helped evacuate people from the flooded neighborhood. (紧急救援人员帮助疏散被洪水困住的人们。)

13. The embassy issued a statement advising all citizens to evacuate the country immediately. (大使馆发布声明,建议所有公民立即撤离该国。)

14. The airport was closed, and flights were canceled as residents were evacuated from nearby areas. (机场关闭,航班取消,居民从附近地区撤离。)

15. The rescue operation successfully evacuated everyone stranded on the mountain. (救援行动成功撤离了被困山上的所有人。)


上一个 【英语】vacate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】evacuation的例句



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