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时间: 2024-09-28 20:51:19


Sure, here are 15 sentences using "forceful" with their Chinese translations:

1. He made a forceful argument in favor of stricter environmental regulations. (他对更严格的环境法规提出了有力的论据。)

2. The president delivered a forceful speech condemning the violence. (总统发表了一篇谴责暴力的有力讲话。)

3. Her forceful personality often intimidated those around her. (她强势的个性常常让周围的人感到害怕。)

4. The police used forceful measures to disperse the crowd. (警察采取了强硬措施驱散人群。)

5. The judge gave a forceful warning to the defendant. (法官向被告发出了有力的警告。)

6. The diplomat made a forceful plea for peace negotiations. (外交官恳求进行和平谈判。)

7. The teacher used a forceful tone to maintain order in the classroom. (老师用强硬的语气维持课堂秩序。)

8. The boxer delivered a series of forceful punches. (拳击手打出了一连串有力的拳击。)

9. The documentary presented a forceful argument against deforestation. (这部纪录片提出了一种强有力的反对森林砍伐的论点。)

10. His forceful entry into the room startled everyone. (他强势地进入房间,吓了大家一跳。)

11. The CEO made a forceful decision to restructure the company. (CEO作出了重组公司的有力决定。)

12. The politician gave a forceful response to the accusations. (政治家对指控做出了有力的回应。)

13. The general led a forceful campaign to capture the enemy's stronghold. (将军率领了一场有力的战役,夺取敌方的据点。)

14. Her paintings are known for their forceful use of color and brushstrokes. (她的画以色彩和笔触的强烈运用而闻名。)

15. The new law was passed after a series of forceful debates in parliament. (经过一系列激烈的辩论,新法律得以通过。)


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