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时间: 2024-09-28 22:55:13



1. Her voice was mellifluous, soothing everyone in the room. (她的声音柔和动听,使得房间里的每个人都感到宁静。)

2. The mellifluous melody of the piano filled the hall with a sense of calm. (钢琴柔和悦耳的旋律使整个大厅充满了宁静感。)

3. He spoke with a mellifluous accent that charmed everyone he met. (他说话带有一种悦耳的口音,迷倒了他遇到的每个人。)

4. The poet's mellifluous verses captured the essence of the springtime. (诗人悦耳的诗句捕捉到了春天的本质。)

5. The mellifluous sound of the waterfall was mesmerizing. (瀑布悦耳的声音令人神魂颠倒。)

6. Her laughter was a mellifluous sound that echoed through the garden. (她的笑声像悦耳的音乐一样在花园中回荡。)

7. The actor's mellifluous voice drew the audience into the story. (演员悦耳的声音把观众带入了故事中。)

8. The bird's song was a mellifluous welcome to the morning. (鸟儿的歌声是对早晨的悦耳欢迎。)

9. The writer crafted mellifluous sentences that flowed effortlessly. (作家构思出了流畅而悦耳的句子。)

10. The flute's mellifluous tones enchanted listeners for hours. (长笛悦耳的音调让听众陶醉了数小时。)

11. Her singing voice was mellifluous, capturing the hearts of all who heard it. (她的歌声悦耳动听,征服了所有听众的心。)

12. The pastor's sermon was delivered in a mellifluous manner, calming the congregation. (牧师悦耳的布道使得全体教会安静下来。)

13. The violinist's mellifluous performance brought tears to the eyes of the audience. (小提琴家悦耳的演奏让观众泪流满面。)

14. The poet's words flowed mellifluously, painting vivid images in the minds of readers. (诗人的文字流畅悦耳,给读者留下了生动的印象。)

15. The professor's lectures were not only informative but also delivered in a mellifluous tone that kept students engaged. (教授的讲座不仅内容丰富,而且以悦耳的语调传递,保持学生的参与。)


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