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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:07



1. She showed remarkable fortitude during her illness.

- 她在生病期间表现出了非凡的勇气。

2. It takes a lot of fortitude to endure the hardships of a long expedition.

- 经受长途探险的艰辛需要很大的毅力。

3. His fortitude in facing adversity inspired everyone around him.

- 他在面对逆境时的勇气激励了他周围的每一个人。

4. The soldiers displayed incredible fortitude in the face of danger.

- 士兵们在危险面前表现出了令人难以置信的勇气。

5. Fortitude is essential for overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship.

- 勇气对于克服创业中的挑战至关重要。

6. Her fortitude was evident in the way she handled the criticism.

- 她应对批评的方式显示了她的勇气。

7. Despite the severe weather conditions, the team showed great fortitude.

- 尽管天气条件恶劣,团队仍展现了极大的毅力。

8. Fortitude helps you persevere when things don’t go as planned.

- 勇气帮助你在事情不按计划进行时坚持下去。

9. The fortitude of the community during the crisis was commendable.

- 在危机期间,社区的毅力值得称赞。

10. He faced his financial problems with great fortitude.

- 他以极大的勇气面对他的经济问题。

11. Fortitude is often required to pursue your dreams against all odds.

- 要追求你的梦想,往往需要克服一切困难的勇气。

12. Her fortitude in recovering from the accident was admirable.

- 她从事故中恢复的毅力令人钦佩。

13. The fortitude shown by the volunteers during the disaster relief efforts was extraordinary.

- 在灾后救援工作中,志愿者们表现出的勇气非同寻常。

14. His fortitude in handling the lengthy legal battle was remarkable.

- 他在处理漫长的法律斗争中表现出的毅力非常显著。

15. Fortitude can often be the key to achieving long-term success.

- 勇气往往是实现长期成功的关键。

上一个 【英语】fortify的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】forte的例句



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