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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:02


Certainly! "Gosling" refers to a young goose, and here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The gosling followed its mother closely through the meadow. (小鹅在草地上紧随母鹅。)

2. We saw a group of goslings swimming in the pond. (我们看到一群小鹅在池塘里游泳。)

3. The children loved watching the goslings waddle around the farm. (孩子们喜欢看小鹅在农场里摇摇摆摆地走来走去。)

4. A gosling's feathers are soft and downy. (小鹅的羽毛柔软且毛茸茸的。)

5. The farmer protected the goslings from predators. (农民保护小鹅免受捕食者的伤害。)

6. The goslings learned to fly under their parents' watchful eyes. (小鹅在父母的照看下学会了飞行。)

7. The goslings pecked at the grass to find food. (小鹅啄草觅食。)

8. The mother goose gathered her goslings under her wings. (母鹅把小鹅聚集在翅膀下。)

9. The goslings huddled together for warmth. (小鹅挤在一起取暖。)

10. The farmer raised the goslings from eggs. (农民从蛋孵化出小鹅。)

11. The goslings grew quickly during the summer months. (小鹅在夏季迅速长大。)

12. We watched the goslings take their first swim in the pond. (我们看着小鹅在池塘里第一次游泳。)

13. The goslings imitated their parents' honking calls. (小鹅模仿父母的嘎嘎叫声。)

14. The children fed breadcrumbs to the goslings. (孩子们给小鹅喂面包屑。)

15. The goslings explored the farmyard with curiosity. (小鹅满怀好奇地探索农场。)

These sentences provide a variety of contexts in which the word "gosling" can be used, accompanied by Chinese explanations for clarity.

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