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时间: 2024-11-08 20:21:07


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "gravitate," along with their Chinese translations:

1. People often gravitate toward others who share their interests. (人们通常会被那些有相同兴趣的人所吸引。)

2. She tends to gravitate towards artistic pursuits. (她倾向于追求艺术事业。)

3. Investors tend to gravitate towards safer assets during economic uncertainty. (投资者在经济不确定时倾向于选择更安全的资产。)

4. Teenagers often gravitate towards rebellion as a form of self-expression. (青少年常常会选择反抗作为自我表达的方式。)

5. The company's culture gravitates towards innovation and risk-taking. (公司的文化倾向于创新和承担风险。)

6. Over time, people naturally gravitate towards friendships that are mutually supportive. (随着时间的推移,人们自然而然地会向那些互相支持的友谊靠拢。)

7. Customers gravitate towards brands that align with their values. (顾客倾向于选择与他们价值观一致的品牌。)

8. He tends to gravitate towards leadership roles in any group he joins. (他倾向于在任何他参加的团体中担任领导角色。)

9. Students often gravitate towards subjects they find interesting or challenging. (学生们通常会对他们觉得有趣或有挑战性的科目产生兴趣。)

10. In a crisis, people typically gravitate towards strong, decisive leaders. (在危机中,人们通常会倾向于支持坚定果断的领导者。)

11. As she grew older, she started to gravitate towards a more minimalist lifestyle. (随着年龄增长,她开始向更为简约的生活方式转变。)

12. The artist's work gravitates towards themes of nature and tranquility. (这位艺术家的作品倾向于表现自然和宁静的主题。)

13. During times of stress, people often gravitate towards comfort foods. (在压力时期,人们通常会倾向于选择舒适的食物。)

14. As a child, he always gravitated towards activities that involved building things. (在孩提时代,他总是喜欢那些涉及构建事物的活动。)

15. The neighborhood tends to gravitate towards local businesses rather than big chains. (这个社区更倾向于支持本地企业而不是大型连锁店。)


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