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时间: 2024-09-28 22:59:44


Certainly! "Gullible" means easily deceived or fooled. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She was so gullible that she believed everything he told her. 她太容易上当了,什么他说的她都信。

2. Don't be gullible enough to fall for that scam. 别太容易上当,不要上那种骗局。

3. He's known for taking advantage of gullible tourists. 他以欺骗那些容易上当的游客而出名。

4. The advertisement was designed to appeal to gullible consumers. 广告设计得很吸引容易上当的消费者。

5. She was gullible enough to give her credit card information over the phone. 她竟然够傻,电话里就把信用卡信息透露了。

6. His gullible nature often led him into trouble. 他天性易信,经常让他惹上麻烦。

7. Only the most gullible investors believed the company's exaggerated claims. 只有最容易上当的投资者才相信公司夸大的宣称。

8. The con artist preyed on gullible elderly people. 骗子专门针对容易上当的老年人下手。

9. I can't believe you fell for that obvious lie; you're so gullible! 我真不敢相信你竟然信了那么明显的谎言,你真容易上当!

10. He exploited her gullibility to get what he wanted. 他利用她的易信性来达到自己的目的。

11. His gullible trust in strangers often landed him in difficult situations. 他对陌生人的轻信常常让他陷入困境。

12. The gullible public was quickly taken in by the fake news story. 容易上当的公众很快就信了那则假新闻。

13. It's important not to be too gullible in a world full of scams. 在充满欺诈的世界里,不要太容易上当是很重要的。

14. Despite being warned, she remained gullible and fell for the con. 尽管有人警告过她,她还是很容易上当,上了骗局。

15. Being gullible can make you an easy target for manipulation. 太容易上当会让你成为被操控的容易目标。


上一个 【英语】indelible的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】imperceptible的例句



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