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时间: 2024-11-07 14:09:15


1. The prisoners were ill-treated by the guards.

2. She felt ill-treated by her boss.

3. The animal was ill-treated by its previous owner.

4. The ill-treatment of the workers led to a strike.

5. The ill-treatment of the children was reported to the authorities.

6. He was ill-treated by his classmates at school.

7. The ill-treatment of the elderly in nursing homes is a growing concern.

8. The ill-treatment of refugees in detention centers is a human rights issue.

9. The ill-treatment of animals in circuses has led to protests and calls for boycotts.

10. She suffered ill-treatment at the hands of her abusive partner.

11. The ill-treatment of prisoners in the overcrowded jail was condemned by human rights organizations.

12. The ill-treatment of minority groups is a form of discrimination.

13. The ill-treatment of indigenous peoples has been a long-standing issue in many countries.

14. The ill-treatment of domestic workers is a widespread problem in many countries.

15. The ill-treatment of mentally ill patients in psychiatric hospitals is a violation of their rights.

16. The ill-treatment of women in the workplace is a form of gender discrimination.

17. The ill-treatment of political dissidents is a common practice in authoritarian regimes.

18. The ill-treatment of prisoners of war is a violation of international laws.

19. The ill-treatment of farm animals in factory farms has sparked public outrage.

20. The ill-treatment of disabled individuals is a violation of their rights to dignity and respect.


1. 囚犯受到了警卫的虐待。

2. 她觉得自己受到了老板的虐待。

3. 这只动物曾受到了前任主人的虐待。

4. 工人们遭受的虐待导致了一次罢工。

5. 孩子们遭受的虐待被报告给了有关部门。

6. 他在学校受到了同学们的虐待。

7. 养老院对老年人的虐待引起了越来越多的关注。

8. 拘留中心对难民的虐待是一个人权问题。

9. 马戏团中动物的虐待引发了抗议和抵制呼声。

10. 她在受虐待的同时也遭受了伴侣的施虐。

11. 监狱中囚犯的虐待受到了人权组织的谴责。

12. 少数族裔的虐待是一种歧视。

13. 原住民的虐待在许多国家一直是一个长期存在的问题。

14. 在许多国家,家政工人的虐待是一个普遍存在的问题。

15. 精神病患者在精神病院受到的虐待是对他们权利的侵犯。

16. 女性在工作场所受到的虐待是一种性别歧视。

17. 政治异见人士受到的虐待在威权政权中是一种常见做法。

18. 战俘受到的虐待违反了国际法。

19. 工厂农场中农场动物的虐待引发了公众的愤怒。

20. 对残疾人的虐待违反了他们的尊严和尊重权。

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