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时间: 2024-11-07 16:26:58


1. Their personalities are completely incompatible, and they constantly argue.


2. The new software is incompatible with older operating systems.


3. Their schedules are incompatible, so they rarely get to spend time together.


4. She realized that their values were incompatible and decided to end the relationship.


5. The two chemicals are incompatible and should never be mixed together.


6. Their goals for the project are incompatible, so they are having trouble working together.


7. Their religious beliefs are incompatible, but they still respect each other's faith.


8. The two laws are incompatible and have led to confusion in the legal system.


9. The new employee's work style is incompatible with the company's culture.


10. Their personalities are just too incompatible for a successful marriage.


11. 这两种药物是不兼容的,不能同时使用。

12. 他们的习惯和生活方式是不兼容的,导致了很多矛盾。

13. 这两种软件版本是不兼容的,需要进行升级。

14. 他们的观点是完全不兼容的,难以达成共识。

15. 这两个方案是不兼容的,无法同时实施。

16. 他们的性格特点是不兼容的,经常发生摩擦。

17. 这两个理论是不兼容的,无法同时适用于这个问题。

18. 这两种设备是不兼容的,无法连接使用。

19. 这两种化学物质是不兼容的,会产生危险的反应。

20. 他们的目标是不兼容的,无法合作完成这项任务。

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