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时间: 2024-11-07 23:20:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with the word "inset" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The magazine article included an inset photograph of the author. (杂志文章中包含了作者的一张插图。)

2. The map had an inset showing a detailed view of the city center. (地图上有一个插图,显示了城市中心的详细视图。)

3. She placed an inset of colored paper within the invitation for a festive touch. (她在邀请函内加入了一张彩色纸的插页,增添了节日氛围。)

4. The book's cover featured an inset of a glowing crystal. (这本书的封面上有一个发光的水晶的插图。)

5. Inset windows provide extra ventilation in the summer months. (插入的窗户在夏季提供额外的通风。)

6. The inset on the wall displayed a small sculpture. (墙上的插图展示了一个小雕塑。)

7. Each chapter had an inset box summarizing key points. (每一章都有一个插入框,总结了关键点。)

8. The brochure had an inset map showing nearby attractions. (小册子上有一张插图地图,显示附近的景点。)

9. The newspaper article had an inset quote from a prominent politician. (报纸文章中有一个插图引用了一位知名政治人物的话。)

10. The catalog included an inset photograph of the product in use. (目录中包含了产品使用的插图照片。)

11. The textbook had insets throughout, providing additional explanations and examples. (教科书中有很多插图,提供额外的解释和例子。)

12. The photograph had an inset caption identifying the location and date. (照片上有一个插图标题,标明了地点和日期。)

13. The museum exhibit featured an inset display explaining the artifact's history. (博物馆展品上有一个插图展示,解释了文物的历史。)

14. The brochure had an inset advertisement for a local restaurant. (小册子上有一个插图广告,宣传了一家当地餐馆。)

15. The architectural drawing included insets showing different angles of the building. (建筑图纸中包含了插图,显示了建筑物的不同角度。)


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