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时间: 2024-09-28 22:57:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "insignia," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The soldier proudly displayed his regiment's insignia on his uniform.

- 这名士兵骄傲地在制服上展示了他所属团队的徽章。

2. The royal family's insignia was emblazoned on the palace gates.

- 皇室的徽记醒目地刻在宫殿的大门上。

3. She wore a necklace with the insignia of her favorite sports team.

- 她戴着一条项链,上面镶嵌着她最喜爱的运动队的徽章。

4. The official documents bore the government's official insignia.

- 这些正式文件上印有政府的官方标志。

5. The captain's uniform had multiple insignias denoting his rank and service.

- 船长的制服上有多个标志,表示他的军衔和服役情况。

6. The ancient shield was adorned with intricate insignias representing the kingdom.

- 古老的盾牌上装饰着复杂的徽章,代表着王国。

7. Each member of the organization wore an insignia to identify their role.

- 组织的每个成员都佩戴着徽章,以识别他们的角色。

8. The letterhead featured the company's insignia prominently at the top.

- 信头顶部醒目地印有公司的徽记。

9. The detective recognized the criminal by the insignia on his jacket.

- 侦探通过他夹克上的徽章认出了罪犯。

10. During the ceremony, the flag with the nation's insignia was raised high.

- 在典礼期间,高高升起了印有国家徽章的旗帜。

11. The museum displayed ancient coins with emperor's insignias from different dynasties.

- 博物馆展出了不同朝代帝王徽记的古代硬币。

12. The spaceship bore the insignia of the intergalactic alliance.

- 飞船上印有星际联盟的徽章。

13. His uniform bore the insignia of the prestigious university he attended.

- 他的制服上印有他就读的名校的徽章。

14. The knight's shield was adorned with an insignia representing his noble house.

- 骑士的盾牌上装饰着代表他贵族家族的徽记。

15. The car manufacturer proudly displayed its logo and insignia on all their vehicles.

- 这家汽车制造商在所有车辆上骄傲地展示了他们的商标和徽章。


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