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时间: 2024-09-28 22:51:47



1. The university town was a hub for the local intelligentsia, where intellectuals and academics gathered to discuss ideas.


2. The artist's work was celebrated by the intelligentsia for its profound social commentary.


3. The political manifesto was debated vigorously among the intelligentsia, each faction offering their own interpretations.


4. Members of the intelligentsia often have a significant influence on public opinion through their writings and speeches.


5. The literary circle attracted the brightest minds of the intelligentsia, fostering creativity and critical thinking.


6. The intelligentsia played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of the era.


7. The philosopher's theories were debated fiercely among the intelligentsia, sparking intense intellectual discussions.


8. The magazine aimed at the intelligentsia tackled complex societal issues through in-depth articles and analysis.


9. The playwright's new work received mixed reviews from the intelligentsia, reflecting diverse perspectives within the intellectual community.


10. The university symposium brought together the country's leading intelligentsia to discuss future educational reforms.


11. The novel explored existential themes that resonated deeply with the intelligentsia of the time.


12. The poet's readings attracted an audience mainly composed of the city's intelligentsia.


13. The intelligentsia's critique of the government policies spurred a broader debate on governance and accountability.


14. The seminar was attended by members of the local intelligentsia, who provided diverse perspectives on the topic.


15. The journalist's exposé gained attention from the national intelligentsia, leading to calls for social reform.



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