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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:31



1. He had a history of pyromania, often setting small fires in his backyard.

- 他有纵火狂倾向的历史,经常在后院纵火。

2. Pyromania is classified as a psychological disorder characterized by an obsession with fire-setting.

- 火狂热被分类为一种心理障碍,其特征是对纵火表现出的强迫症倾向。

3. The firefighter suspected that the series of blazes were caused by someone with pyromania.

- 消防员怀疑这一系列火灾是由某个患有火狂热的人引起的。

4. Pyromania often requires professional psychological intervention to manage effectively.

- 火狂热通常需要专业的心理干预来有效管理。

5. The psychiatrist diagnosed him with pyromania after several incidents of arson.

- 在几起纵火事件后,精神科医生诊断他患有火狂热。

6. Understanding the underlying causes of pyromania is crucial for its treatment.

- 了解火狂热的潜在原因对于治疗至关重要。

7. Pyromania can lead to serious legal consequences if not addressed promptly.

- 如果不及时处理,火狂热可能会导致严重的法律后果。

8. The school counselor noticed signs of pyromania in one of the students and referred him to a therapist.

- 学校辅导员注意到一名学生有火狂热的迹象,并将他转介给了一位治疗师。

9. Treatment for pyromania often involves behavioral therapy and sometimes medication.

- 火狂热的治疗通常包括行为疗法,有时还需药物治疗。

10. The documentary explored the mind of individuals suffering from pyromania.

- 这部纪录片探讨了患有火狂热的个体的心理。

11. Pyromania is considered rare but serious due to its potential dangers.

- 火狂热被认为是罕见但严重的,因为它可能带来潜在的危险。

12. People with pyromania often feel a compulsive urge to start fires despite knowing the risks involved.

- 尽管知道其中的风险,火狂热患者经常会感到强迫性地想要放火。

13. The novel’s protagonist struggles with pyromania throughout the storyline.

- 小说的主人公在整个故事情节中都在与火狂热进行斗争。

14. Pyromania can manifest differently in individuals, ranging from mild to severe cases.

- 火狂热在个体中表现出的形式各异,从轻度到重度不等。

15. The psychologist specializes in treating disorders like pyromania using cognitive-behavioral techniques.

- 这位心理学家专门使用认知行为技术治疗火狂热等障碍。


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