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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:30



1. She was diagnosed with anemia, which explained her constant fatigue. (她被诊断出患有贫血,这解释了她持续的疲劳。)

2. Iron deficiency is a common cause of anemia. (缺铁是贫血的常见原因。)

3. The doctor prescribed iron supplements to treat her anemia. (医生开了铁剂来治疗她的贫血。)

4. Severe anemia can lead to dizziness and shortness of breath. (严重的贫血会导致头晕和气短。)

5. Hemolytic anemia results from the premature destruction of red blood cells. (溶血性贫血是由于红细胞过早破坏所致。)

6. Her pale complexion was a sign of her anemia. (她苍白的面色是她贫血的一个迹象。)

7. Anemia in pregnancy requires careful monitoring and sometimes iron supplementation. (妊娠期贫血需要仔细监控,有时需要补充铁剂。)

8. Chronic diseases such as kidney failure can contribute to anemia. (慢性疾病如肾衰竭可能会导致贫血。)

9. He felt weak and tired all the time due to his severe anemia. (由于他严重的贫血,他一直感到虚弱和疲倦。)

10. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder affecting hemoglobin production. (镰状细胞贫血是影响血红蛋白生成的遗传性疾病。)

11. Anemia can be detected through a blood test measuring hemoglobin levels. (可以通过检测血红蛋白水平的血液测试来发现贫血。)

12. She was advised to eat more leafy greens to improve her mild anemia. (建议她多吃绿叶蔬菜来改善她的轻度贫血。)

13. Athletes sometimes develop anemia due to increased demand for oxygen. (运动员有时因氧气需求增加而患贫血。)

14. Acute blood loss can result in sudden onset anemia. (急性失血可以导致突发性贫血。)

15. Anemia can affect people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. (贫血可以影响各个年龄段的人,从婴儿到老年人。)


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