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时间: 2024-09-28 22:55:17



1. She was known for her mendacity, always bending the truth to suit her needs. (她以撒谎著称,总是为了自己的需要歪曲事实。)

2. The politician's career was marred by accusations of mendacity and corruption. (那位政客的职业生涯因为被指控说谎和腐败而受损。)

3. They saw through the web of mendacity woven by the company's PR team. (他们识破了公司公关团队编织的谎言网络。)

4. His memoir was criticized for its blatant mendacity about his early life. (他的回忆录因为对他早年生活的显而易见的谎言而受到批评。)

5. The court dismissed his testimony due to its obvious mendacity. (法庭因其明显的虚假性而驳回了他的证词。)

6. Journalists are trained to uncover the mendacity that often hides behind official statements. (记者们接受训练,揭露常常隐藏在官方声明背后的谎言。)

7. Her career suffered when her reputation for mendacity became widely known. (当她的撒谎名声广为人知时,她的职业生涯受到了影响。)

8. The book is a scathing critique of political mendacity in the modern age. (这本书是对现代政治谎言的尖锐批评。)

9. His job interview ended abruptly when his mendacity regarding his qualifications was exposed. (他在工作面试中因其关于资格的虚假陈述被揭穿而结束得很突然。)

10. The company's reputation suffered irreparable harm due to the mendacity of its executives. (由于公司高管的虚伪,公司的声誉受到了无法弥补的损害。)

11. The novel explores the consequences of societal mendacity on individual lives. (这部小说探讨了社会虚伪对个人生活的后果。)

12. The documentary exposed the mendacity behind the pharmaceutical industry's claims. (这部纪录片揭露了制药行业声称背后的虚伪。)

13. Their friendship ended when she could no longer tolerate his constant mendacity. (当她再也无法容忍他经常的虚伪时,他们的友谊结束了。)

14. Public trust in the government eroded due to perceived mendacity among officials. (由于公众感觉到官员们的虚伪,公众对政府的信任减弱了。)

15. The investigation revealed a pattern of mendacity in the company's financial reporting. (调查揭示了公司财务报告中的虚假模式。)


上一个 【英语】audacity的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】tentacle的例句



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