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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:52


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "militia" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The militia was called up to defend the town during the emergency. (在紧急情况下,民兵被召集起来保卫城镇。)

2. He joined the local militia to contribute to the community's defense. (他加入了当地的民兵组织,为社区的防卫做出贡献。)

3. The militia trained regularly to ensure readiness for any conflict. (民兵定期训练,以确保随时准备应对任何冲突。)

4. Many colonies relied on militias for their defense before professional armies were established. (在建立专业军队之前,许多殖民地依赖民兵来进行防御。)

5. The militia was mobilized to support disaster relief efforts. (民兵被动员起来支援灾后救援工作。)

6. Local militias played a crucial role in the early stages of the revolution. (地方民兵在革命的早期阶段发挥了关键作用。)

7. He served in the militia during his youth. (他在青年时期服役于民兵。)

8. The militia responded swiftly to the invasion, surprising the enemy. (民兵对入侵作出迅速反应,使敌人感到意外。)

9. The militia's actions were coordinated with the regular army units. (民兵的行动与常规军队单位协调一致。)

10. The militia commander briefed his troops on the upcoming mission. (民兵指挥官向部队简要介绍了即将进行的任务。)

11. Each village had its own militia to protect against bandit raids. (每个村庄都有自己的民兵来防止匪徒袭击。)

12. The militia was disbanded after the conflict ended. (冲突结束后,民兵被解散了。)

13. The militia members came from diverse backgrounds but shared a common goal. (民兵成员来自不同背景,但他们有着共同的目标。)

14. She volunteered for the militia to gain experience in leadership. (她自愿加入了民兵组织,以获得领导经验。)

15. The militia's bravery in battle earned them recognition and respect. (民兵在战斗中的勇敢行为赢得了他们的认可和尊重。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "militia"!

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