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时间: 2024-10-06 16:52:30


1. She felt free and liberated as she walked through the naked forest. (她感到自由和解放,当她穿过光秃秃的森林。)

2. The artist painted a beautiful portrait of a naked woman. (艺术家画了一幅美丽的裸体女性肖像。)

3. The truth was laid bare, naked for all to see. (事实被揭露,裸露在所有人眼前。)

4. The baby ran around the house naked, giggling and laughing. (宝宝光着身子在房子里跑来跑去,咯咯笑着。)

5. The mountain peak stood naked against the clear blue sky. (山峰光秃秃地耸立在晴朗的蓝天下。)

6. The author's writing laid bare the naked truth of the situation. (作者的作品揭示了事态的裸露真相。)

7. The naked branches of the tree swayed in the wind. (树枝的光秃秃在风中摇摆。)

8. The criminal felt naked and exposed under the intense interrogation. (罪犯在强烈的审讯下感到裸露和暴露。)

9. The naked eye could not see the microscopic organisms in the water. (肉眼无法看到水中的微生物。)

10. The artist's painting depicted the vulnerability of the naked human form. (艺术家的画作描绘了裸体人体的脆弱性。)

11. The naked truth was finally revealed, shedding light on the situation. (裸露的真相终于揭示,阐明了事态。)

12. The hiker felt a sense of freedom as she stood naked under the open sky. (徒步旅行者站在开阔的天空下感到一种自由的感觉。)

13. The naked ambition of the politician was evident in his every action. (政客的野心毫无掩饰地表现在他的每一个行动中。)

14. The naked emotion in her eyes revealed her true feelings. (她眼中的裸露情感显示了她真实的感受。)

15. The naked truth of the matter was difficult to accept. (事情的裸露真相很难接受。)

16. The artist's work featured a series of paintings of naked figures. (艺术家的作品包括一系列裸体人物的绘画。)

17. The naked vulnerability of the child tugged at the heartstrings of the onlookers. (孩子的裸露的脆弱感动了旁观者的心弦。)

18. The criminal's lies were exposed, leaving him naked in front of the jury. (罪犯的谎言被揭穿,让他在陪审团面前暴露无遗。)

19. The naked reality of the situation hit her hard. (事态的裸露现实让她感到沉重。)

20. The naked fear in his eyes was unmistakable. (他眼中的裸露恐惧是无可置疑的。)

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