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时间: 2024-09-10 04:16:11


当然,请看以下关于 "novice" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. She is a novice at playing the piano. (她在弹钢琴方面是个新手。)

2. As a novice gardener, he planted his first vegetables this spring. (作为一个初学者的园艺爱好者,他今年春天种下了他的第一批蔬菜。)

3. The company offers training programs for novices in programming. (公司为初学者提供编程培训计划。)

4. He's only a novice skier, so he sticks to the beginner slopes. (他只是个新手滑雪者,所以他只在初学者坡道上滑行。)

5. As a novice writer, she was nervous about submitting her first novel. (作为一名初学者作家,她对提交她的第一部小说感到紧张。)

6. The novice chef burned the cookies because she forgot to set a timer. (这位新手厨师把饼干烤焦了,因为她忘记设定计时器。)

7. The novice actor struggled with stage fright during his first performance. (这位新手演员在首次表演时面临舞台恐惧。)

8. The class is designed for novices, so no prior experience is necessary. (这门课程专为初学者设计,因此不需要有先前的经验。)

9. She started as a novice in the art of negotiation but quickly became adept. (她起初在谈判艺术方面是个新手,但很快变得娴熟。)

10. Novices often make mistakes, but that's part of the learning process. (新手常犯错误,但那是学习过程的一部分。)

11. The novice cyclist struggled to keep up with the experienced riders. (这位新手骑自行车的人在跟上有经验的骑行者方面遇到了困难。)

12. Being a novice in coding, he found the advanced concepts challenging. (作为编程方面的初学者,他发现高级概念具有挑战性。)

13. The team includes both novices and seasoned professionals. (团队中既有初学者也有经验丰富的专业人士。)

14. Novice mistakes can often be avoided with proper guidance. (通过适当的指导,可以避免新手常犯的错误。)

15. Despite being a novice, she tackled the project with enthusiasm. (尽管是个新手,她还是充满热情地着手进行了这个项目。)

希望这些例句能帮助您更好地理解和使用 "novice" 这个词语!

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