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时间: 2024-09-20 05:19:16


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "ominous":

1. The dark clouds gathering overhead were ominous, suggesting a storm was imminent. (头顶聚集的乌云让人感到不祥,预示着暴风雨即将来临。)

2. His ominous tone hinted at bad news to come. (他不祥的语气暗示着即将传来坏消息。)

3. The sudden silence in the room was ominous, making everyone uneasy. (房间里突然的寂静让每个人感到不安,这是不祥的预兆。)

4. The detective had an ominous feeling about the abandoned house. (侦探对于那座废弃的房子有一种不祥的预感。)

5. The eerie footsteps echoing in the hallway were ominous in the dead of night. (深夜里走廊上回响的诡异脚步声是不祥的征兆。)

6. The ominous shadow of war loomed over the region. (战争不祥的阴影笼罩着这个地区。)

7. The stock market's ominous decline sent shockwaves through the financial world. (股市不祥的下跌在金融界引发了震动。)

8. The prophet's ominous prediction of disaster worried the townspeople. (先知对灾难的不祥预言使城镇居民担忧不已。)

9. The creaking sound of the old house was ominous, as if it held secrets. (那座老房子发出的吱吱声像是藏着不可告人的秘密,显得不祥。)

10. The politician's ominous silence after the scandal hinted at deeper troubles. (那位政治家在丑闻曝光后的沉默暗示着更深层次的问题。)

11. The ancient prophecy was filled with ominous warnings of doom. (那个古老的预言充满了不祥的末日警告。)

12. The eerie glow from the abandoned mine was an ominous sight at dusk. (在黄昏时分,废弃矿井发出的诡异光芒是一种不祥的景象。)

13. The ominous look in his eyes made her nervous about what he might do next. (他眼中的不祥神情让她对他接下来可能做的事情感到紧张。)

14. The ominous presence of armed guards outside the embassy signaled trouble. (大使馆外武装警卫的不祥存在预示着麻烦。)

15. The eerie silence in the haunted mansion was ominous, foreshadowing something dreadful. (闹鬼的大宅中的诡异寂静是不祥的,预示着可怕的事情即将发生。)


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