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时间: 2024-10-04 20:55:25


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations for "proponent":

1. She is a staunch proponent of renewable energy. 她是可再生能源的坚定支持者。

2. He has long been a proponent of social justice. 他长期以来一直是社会正义的倡导者。

3. The senator is a vocal proponent of tax reform. 这位参议员是税制改革的积极支持者。

4. As a proponent of free trade, she advocates for fewer trade restrictions. 作为自由贸易的倡导者,她主张减少贸易限制。

5. The artist is a leading proponent of abstract expressionism. 这位艺术家是抽象表现主义的主要倡导者。

6. She emerged as a strong proponent of education reform. 她成为教育改革的坚定支持者。

7. He's one of the most influential proponents of urban planning in the region. 他是该地区城市规划最有影响力的倡导者之一。

8. The company's CEO is a noted proponent of corporate social responsibility. 公司的首席执行官是企业社会责任的知名支持者。

9. She's a passionate proponent of animal rights. 她是动物权利的热情支持者。

10. He's an outspoken proponent of healthcare reform. 他是医疗改革的直言不讳的支持者。

11. They are proponents of reducing carbon emissions. 他们是减少碳排放的倡导者。

12. The professor is a leading proponent of evolutionary biology. 这位教授是进化生物学的主要倡导者。

13. She's a strong proponent of gender equality in the workplace. 她是工作场所性别平等的坚定支持者。

14. He's known as a proponent of innovative technology solutions. 他以创新技术解决方案的倡导者而闻名。

15. The organization's founders were proponents of democratic ideals. 这个组织的创始人是民主理想的支持者。


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