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时间: 2024-10-04 22:46:40


Certainly! "Propone" 是一个不太常见的英语单词,意思是"to propose or put forward",通常用于法律或正式文件中。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The lawyer will propone a new strategy for the defense. (律师将提出新的辩护策略。)

2. She propone the idea of a joint venture to expand into new markets. (她提出了一项合资企业的想法,以扩展到新市场。)

3. The committee will propone amendments to the bylaws at the next meeting. (委员会将在下次会议上提出对章程的修正案。)

4. The council member propone a motion to increase funding for education. (议会成员提出了增加教育资金的动议。)

5. It is customary to propone changes during the annual review. (在年度审查期间提出更改是惯例。)

6. The CEO propone a merger with a rival company. (CEO 提出了与竞争对手公司的合并。)

7. He propone a new policy to streamline the approval process. (他提出了一项新的政策,以简化批准流程。)

8. The board of directors will propone candidates for the vacant positions. (董事会将提出空缺职位的候选人。)

9. The union will propone a counteroffer to the management's proposal. (工会将对管理层的提议提出反对意见。)

10. The scientist propone a hypothesis to explain the experimental results. (科学家提出了一个假设来解释实验结果。)

11. The judge propone a verdict based on the evidence presented. (法官根据提供的证据提出了判决。)

12. The committee propone a plan to address environmental concerns. (委员会提出了一项计划,以解决环境问题。)

13. The researchers propone a new methodology for data collection. (研究人员提出了一种新的数据收集方法。)

14. The architect propone a design that integrates modern and traditional elements. (建筑师提出了一个设计,结合了现代和传统元素。)

15. The diplomat propone a peace initiative between the warring nations. (外交官提出了一项和平倡议,调解交战国之间的冲突。)


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