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时间: 2024-10-05 00:52:44



1. Cosmopolis is a bustling city where cultures from around the world converge. (“Cosmopolis”是一个文化汇聚的繁华城市。)

2. He envisioned a cosmopolis where people of all nations could live and work together harmoniously. (他设想了一个所有国家的人们可以和谐共处、共同工作的“cosmopolis”。)

3. The ancient Greeks viewed Athens as a cosmopolis, a center of civilization and learning. (古希腊人将雅典视为一个文明和学问中心的“cosmopolis”。)

4. New York City is often described as a cosmopolis due to its diverse population and global influence. (纽约市因其多元的人口和全球影响力常被称为“cosmopolis”。)

5. The novel painted a vivid picture of a futuristic cosmopolis where technology dominates every aspect of life. (这部小说描绘了一个科技主宰一切生活的未来“cosmopolis”。)

6. In the 21st century, many major cities aspire to become cosmopolises that attract talent from all corners of the world. (在21世纪,许多大城市都希望成为吸引全球人才的“cosmopolis”。)

7. Singapore prides itself on being a cosmopolis that blends Eastern and Western cultures seamlessly. (新加坡自豪地成为一个将东西方文化无缝融合的“cosmopolis”。)

8. The fictional cosmopolis in the movie was a futuristic utopia with towering skyscrapers and advanced technology. (电影中虚构的“cosmopolis”是一个有高耸入云的摩天大楼和先进技术的未来乌托邦。)

9. London in the 19th century was a thriving cosmopolis where merchants and traders from all over the world converged. (19世纪的伦敦是一个繁荣的“cosmopolis”,吸引了来自世界各地的商人和交易者。)

10. As a cosmopolis, Dubai is known for its luxurious lifestyle and modern architecture. (迪拜作为一个“cosmopolis”,以其奢华的生活方式和现代建筑而闻名。)

11. The conference aimed to discuss how to build sustainable cosmopolises that respect both cultural diversity and environmental preservation. (这次会议旨在讨论如何建设尊重文化多样性和环境保护的可持续“cosmopolis”。)

12. Artists and intellectuals were drawn to Vienna in the early 20th century, making it a vibrant cosmopolis of ideas and creativity. (20世纪初,艺术家和知识分子纷纷涌向维也纳,使其成为一个充满思想和创造力的活跃“cosmopolis”。)

13. Hong Kong has long been recognized as a cosmopolis due to its role as a global financial hub. (香港长期以来因其作为全球金融中心的角色而被认为是一个“cosmopolis”。)

14. The novel's protagonist travels through a cosmopolis of different cultures and traditions, discovering new perspectives along the way. (小说的主人公穿越了不同文化和传统的“cosmopolis”,在旅途中发现了新的视角。)

15. Los Angeles, with its blend of Hollywood glamour and diverse immigrant communities, represents a modern cosmopolis. (洛杉矶凭借好莱坞的魅力和多样化的移民社区,成为一个现代“cosmopolis”的典范。)


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