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时间: 2024-09-28 22:50:29


1. The quantity of apples in the basket is sufficient for making a pie. (篮子里的苹果数量足够做一个派)

2. We need to increase the quantity of our production to meet the demand. (我们需要增加生产数量以满足需求)

3. Please specify the quantity of sugar needed for the recipe. (请明确食谱需要的糖的数量)

4. The quantity of water in the reservoir has decreased due to the dry weather. (由于干旱天气,水库的水量减少了)

5. The store offers discounts for purchasing large quantities of items. (商店购买大量商品有折扣)

6. The quantity of books in the library is impressive. (图书馆的书籍数量令人印象深刻)

7. She ordered a large quantity of flowers for the wedding decorations. (她订购了大量鲜花用于婚礼装饰)

8. The quantity of food at the buffet was overwhelming. (自助餐的食物数量令人难以置信)

9. We need to measure the quantity of ingredients before starting the cooking process. (在开始烹饪过程之前,我们需要量好配料的数量)

10. The quantity of fish in the pond has significantly decreased over the years. (多年来,池塘里的鱼的数量显著减少了)

11. The company is looking to reduce the quantity of waste produced during manufacturing. (公司希望减少生产过程中产生的废物数量)

12. The quantity of clothing donated to the charity exceeded expectations. (捐赠给慈善机构的服装数量超出了预期)

13. The quantity of data collected from the research project was immense. (研究项目收集的数据量巨大)

14. The quantity of customers visiting the store has been steadily increasing. (到店购物的顾客数量稳步增长)

15. I need to purchase a small quantity of fabric for my sewing project. (我需要购买一小部分面料来做缝纫项目)

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