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时间: 2024-11-07 23:27:12


"Revibrate" 这个词在英语中并不常见,它可以理解为重新振动或重新震动的意思。这里提供一些例句和中文解释:

1. The sound of the gong began to revibrate through the hall. (锣声开始在大厅中回响。)

2. Her laughter seemed to revibrate in the quiet room. (她的笑声在安静的房间里回响。)

3. The music's bass notes revibrated in my chest. (音乐的低音在我的胸膛中震动。)

4. The memories of his childhood revibrated in his mind. (他童年的回忆在他脑海中回响。)

5. The news of the victory revibrated across the nation. (胜利的消息在全国传开。)

6. The earthquake revibrated through the region, causing widespread damage. (地震在该地区引发了广泛的破坏。)

7. Her voice revibrated with emotion as she spoke about her experiences. (她谈论她的经历时,声音中充满了感情。)

8. The company's success story revibrated through the industry, inspiring others. (公司的成功故事在行业中引起了共鸣,激励了其他人。)

9. The church bells revibrated throughout the town, signaling the start of the festival. (教堂的钟声在整个城镇中回响,标志着节日的开始。)

10. His words revibrated in my mind long after he had spoken them. (他说的话在我心中回响了很久。)

11. The message revibrated in the hearts of the listeners, prompting them to take action. (这个信息在听众的心中引起了共鸣,促使他们采取行动。)

12. The artist's painting revibrated with vibrant colors. (艺术家的画作色彩丰富,给人留下深刻印象。)

13. The scent of wildflowers revibrated in the warm summer air. (野花的芳香在温暖的夏日空气中弥漫开来。)

14. His speech revibrated with hope for a better future. (他的演讲充满了对美好未来的希望。)

15. The melody of the song revibrated in my ears long after the concert ended. (音乐的旋律在音乐会结束后在我的耳边回响。)


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