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时间: 2024-09-28 22:56:47


Certainly! "Somnambulate" 是一个意为“在睡梦中行走”的不常见的动词。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. She somnambulated through the house at midnight, completely unaware of her actions. (她在午夜时分在屋子里行走,完全没有意识到自己的行为。)

2. The patient has been known to somnambulate during periods of stress. (这位病人在压力期间有可能会在睡梦中行走。)

3. He somnambulated into the kitchen and opened the fridge, but didn't wake up until morning. (他在睡梦中走进厨房,打开了冰箱,但直到早上才醒来。)

4. The child's tendency to somnambulate worried his parents, who took precautions to keep him safe at night. (孩子倾向于在睡梦中行走让父母担心,他们采取预防措施保证他在夜间的安全。)

5. People who somnambulate may perform complex actions while asleep, such as dressing or even driving. (在睡梦中行走的人可能在睡觉时执行复杂的动作,如穿衣服甚至驾车。)

6. He somnambulated out of the hotel room and down the hallway, guided only by his subconscious. (他在睡梦中走出旅馆房间,沿着走廊走下去,只受他潜意识的引导。)

7. The medical team studied patients who somnambulate to better understand this phenomenon. (医疗团队研究在睡梦中行走的患者,以更好地理解这一现象。)

8. She was found somnambulating near the riverbank, prompting concerns about her safety. (她被发现在河岸附近行走,引起了对她安全的担忧。)

9. Some individuals somnambulate due to sleep disorders or medication side effects. (有些人因为睡眠障碍或药物副作用而在睡梦中行走。)

10. The elderly man's habit of somnambulating had been a family joke for years. (这位老人在睡梦中行走的习惯多年来一直是家里的笑料。)

11. She was found somnambulating through the garden, her eyes closed but her movements deliberate. (她被发现在花园里睡梦中行走,闭着眼睛但动作有条不紊。)

12. Children are more likely than adults to somnambulate, often outgrowing the behavior by adolescence. (相比成年人,儿童更容易在睡梦中行走,通常在青春期前就会摆脱这种行为。)

13. He somnambulated to the bathroom and back to bed without ever waking up. (他在睡梦中走到浴室,然后回到床上,从未醒来。)

14. The actress described how she once somnambulated onto the stage during a sleepwalking episode. (这位女演员描述了她曾在一次梦游发作中睡梦中走上舞台的经历。)

15. His tendency to somnambulate decreased with age, much to the relief of his concerned family. (随着年龄增长,他在睡梦中行走的倾向减少了,他担心的家人感到很放心。)


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