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时间: 2024-09-10 03:41:04


"Substruction" 这个词并不常见,通常是个别特定领域的术语,意指支撑或底部结构。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The engineers focused on strengthening the substruction of the bridge to withstand earthquakes.(工程师们专注于加固桥梁的支撑结构,以抵御地震。)

2. The substruction of the skyscraper was meticulously designed to support its immense weight.(摩天大楼的底部结构经过精心设计,以支撑其巨大的重量。)

3. Archaeologists uncovered the substruction of an ancient Roman villa beneath the ruins.(考古学家在废墟下面发现了古罗马别墅的底层结构。)

4. Proper maintenance of the substruction ensures the stability of the entire building.(对底部结构的适当维护确保了整座建筑的稳定性。)

5. The substruction of the dam needed reinforcement due to recent floods.(由于最近的洪水,大坝的底部结构需要加固。)

6. The castle's substruction was crafted from massive stones to resist siege engines.(城堡的底层结构由巨大的石头制成,以抵御攻城器械。)

7. Understanding the substruction of ancient pyramids reveals their engineering marvels.(了解古代金字塔的底部结构揭示了它们的工程奇迹。)

8. The substruction of the new stadium was completed ahead of schedule.(新体育场的底部结构提前完成。)

9. The substruction of the submarine is designed to withstand intense underwater pressure.(潜艇的底部结构设计能够承受强大的水下压力。)

10. The architect paid special attention to the substruction of the building to ensure its long-term durability.(建筑师特别关注建筑的底部结构,以确保其长期耐久性。)

11. The substruction of the oil rig was damaged during the storm, requiring extensive repairs.(油井平台的底部结构在风暴期间受损,需要进行大规模的修复。)

12. Research into the substruction of ancient temples sheds light on their architectural techniques.(研究古代寺庙的底部结构揭示了它们的建筑技术。)

13. The stability of the skyscraper depends heavily on its substruction and foundation.(摩天大楼的稳定性在很大程度上取决于其底部结构和基础。)

14. The substruction of the castle was fortified with additional supports after centuries of erosion.(经过几个世纪的侵蚀后,城堡的底部结构用额外的支撑进行了加固。)

15. Engineers conducted detailed inspections of the substruction before approving the building's occupancy.(工程师在批准建筑使用前进行了底部结构的详细检查。)


上一个 【英语】obstruction的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】instrumentality的例句



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