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时间: 2024-09-17 13:08:22



1. The fallen tree created an obstruction on the road.

- 倒下的树木在路上造成了障碍。

2. The construction work caused a significant obstruction to traffic.

- 施工工作对交通造成了严重的阻碍。

3. He was accused of obstruction of justice for hiding evidence.

- 他因隐藏证据被指控妨碍司法公正。

4. The medical team removed the obstruction from her airway.

- 医疗团队移除了她呼吸道中的障碍物。

5. The protesters formed an obstruction in front of the government building.

- 抗议者在政府大楼前形成了阻碍。

6. The lawyer argued that there was no obstruction of evidence.

- 律师辩称没有证据被阻碍。

7. The obstructions in the pipe led to a blockage in the drainage system.

- 管道中的障碍物导致排水系统堵塞。

8. He faced an obstruction to his progress due to unexpected delays.

- 由于意外的延误,他的进展受到了阻碍。

9. The obstruction in the river made navigation difficult for boats.

- 河流中的障碍物使船只航行变得困难。

10. Obstruction of airflow can cause respiratory issues.

- 气流阻碍可能导致呼吸系统问题。

11. They cleared the obstruction from the entrance to the building.

- 他们清理了建筑物入口处的障碍物。

12. Her ability to complete the project was hindered by various obstructions.

- 她完成项目的能力受到了各种障碍的阻碍。

13. The obstruction of the view was caused by a new building.

- 新建的大楼阻碍了视线。

14. During the debate, he accused his opponent of obstruction by avoiding direct answers.

- 在辩论中,他指责对手通过回避直接回答来阻碍讨论。

15. The obstruction in the airway was causing severe breathing difficulties.

- 气道中的障碍物导致了严重的呼吸困难。


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