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时间: 2024-09-17 13:07:31


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "obstruct" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The fallen tree obstructed the road, preventing any vehicles from passing. (倒下的树木挡住了道路,阻止了任何车辆通过。)

2. The construction site obstructed our view of the sunset. (建筑工地挡住了我们看日落的视线。)

3. Please don't obstruct the emergency exits in case of a fire. (请不要堵塞紧急出口,以防火灾。)

4. His stubbornness obstructed negotiations, causing the talks to break down. (他的固执阻碍了谈判,导致谈判破裂。)

5. The fog obstructed visibility on the highway, making driving dangerous. (雾气影响了高速公路的能见度,驾驶变得危险。)

6. The government's bureaucracy often obstructs the efficient delivery of public services. (政府的官僚主义经常阻碍公共服务的高效交付。)

7. A fallen power line obstructed the entrance to the park. (一根倒下的电线挡住了公园的入口。)

8. His emotional baggage obstructed his ability to form new relationships. (他的情感包袱阻碍了他建立新关系的能力。)

9. The tight schedule may obstruct our plans to finish the project on time. (紧张的时间表可能会妨碍我们按时完成项目的计划。)

10. The committee accused the mayor of obstructing their investigation into the corruption scandal. (委员会指责市长阻碍他们对腐败丑闻的调查。)

11. The wall obstructed the flow of air between the rooms. (墙壁阻碍了房间之间的空气流动。)

12. Stubborn stains on the fabric obstructed the cleaning process. (面料上顽固的污渍阻碍了清洁过程。)

13. The protestors peacefully blocked the entrance to the government building, obstructing access for officials. (抗议者和平地封锁了政府大楼的入口,阻碍了官员的进入。)

14. His lack of cooperation is obstructing our efforts to complete the project. (他缺乏合作正在阻碍我们完成项目的努力。)

15. Heavy traffic obstructed the ambulance's path to the hospital, causing a delay in medical care. (交通拥堵阻碍了救护车前往医院的路线,导致医疗救助延误。)


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