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时间: 2024-10-05 20:41:36


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "successive," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The team won three successive championships, demonstrating their dominance. (这支队伍连续赢得三次冠军,显示了他们的统治地位。)

2. He was absent for three successive days due to illness. (由于病因,他连续缺席了三天。)

3. The company has had successive quarters of growth, showing a strong financial performance. (公司连续几个季度都实现了增长,显示出强劲的财务表现。)

4. After three successive failures, he finally achieved success. (经历了连续三次失败后,他终于取得了成功。)

5. The successive waves of immigration have enriched the cultural diversity of the city. (连续的移民潮使这座城市的文化多样性更加丰富。)

6. In successive experiments, they refined their technique to achieve better results. (在连续的实验中,他们改进了技术以获得更好的结果。)

7. The successive governments have struggled to address the issue of unemployment. (连续的政府一直在努力解决失业问题。)

8. He made successive attempts to reach out to her, hoping for reconciliation. (他多次尝试与她联系,希望能和解。)

9. Over successive generations, the family business grew into a multinational corporation. (几代人的努力,使得家族企业发展成了一家跨国公司。)

10. The successive blows to his reputation made it difficult for him to recover. (对他声誉的连续打击使得他难以恢复。)

11. The successive setbacks did not deter him from pursuing his dreams. (连续的挫折并没有阻止他追逐自己的梦想。)

12. She received three successive promotions in just five years. (她在短短五年内连续晋升了三次。)

13. The successive changes in policy caused confusion among the citizens. (政策的连续变化导致了市民的困惑。)

14. Despite successive warnings, he continued to disregard safety regulations. (尽管接连收到警告,他仍然无视安全规定。)

15. The successive defeats were demoralizing for the team, but they persevered. (连续的失败让球队士气低落,但他们坚持了下来。)


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