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时间: 2024-11-08 02:38:17


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "proceeds" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards building a new school. (这次筹款活动的收益将用于建设一所新学校。)

2. She donated all the proceeds from her book to charity. (她将书的全部收入捐给了慈善机构。)

3. The company plans to donate a portion of the proceeds to environmental causes. (公司计划将一部分收益捐赠给环保事业。)

4. After deducting expenses, the proceeds amounted to $10,000. (扣除费用后,收益总计为10,000美元。)

5. They decided to reinvest the proceeds into expanding their business. (他们决定将收益重新投资于扩展业务。)

6. The concert's proceeds will benefit local youth programs. (音乐会的收益将用于支持当地的青少年项目。)

7. He sold his old car and used the proceeds to buy a new one. (他卖掉了旧车,用卖车所得购买了一辆新车。)

8. The proceeds of the art auction exceeded expectations. (艺术拍卖的收益超出了预期。)

9. The bookshop owner donates 10% of all proceeds to literacy programs. (书店老板将所有收益的10%捐赠给扫盲项目。)

10. They agreed to split the proceeds evenly among the team members. (他们同意平均分配收益给团队成员。)

11. The proceeds from the investment were reinvested in high-growth stocks. (投资所得的收益被再次投资于高增长股票。)

12. The charity auction raised substantial proceeds for cancer research. (慈善拍卖为癌症研究筹集了可观的收益。)

13. They are waiting for the proceeds of the sale to finalize the deal. (他们在等待销售收益以完成交易。)

14. The artist generously pledged half of the proceeds from her next exhibit to disaster relief. (艺术家慷慨地承诺将她下次展览的一半收益捐赠给灾难救援。)

15. The company plans to reinvest the proceeds from the sale of its subsidiary into new technology. (公司计划将子公司出售所得的收益重新投资于新技术。)


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