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时间: 2024-09-10 05:06:58


1. She thoroughly enjoyed the concert, dancing and singing along to all the songs. (她非常喜欢这场音乐会,跳着唱着所有的歌曲。)

2. The detective thoroughly investigated the crime scene, collecting every piece of evidence. (侦探彻底调查了犯罪现场,收集了每一份证据。)

3. I thoroughly cleaned the house from top to bottom, making sure every corner was spotless. (我彻底清洁了房子的每一个角落,确保每一个地方都一尘不染。)

4. After the intense training, I was thoroughly exhausted but also felt accomplished. (经过激烈的训练,我彻底筋疲力尽,但也感到很有成就感。)

5. The chef thoroughly seasoned the dish, ensuring it was full of flavor. (厨师彻底地给这道菜调味,确保它口味浓郁。)

6. She thoroughly researched the topic before writing her paper, gathering information from various sources. (她在写论文之前对这个话题进行了彻底的研究,从各种来源收集信息。)

7. The doctor thoroughly examined the patient, running multiple tests to determine the cause of the illness. (医生彻底检查了病人,进行了多项测试以确定疾病的原因。)

8. The new employee thoroughly familiarized herself with the company's policies and procedures. (新员工彻底熟悉了公司的政策和流程。)

9. The teacher thoroughly explained the math problem, ensuring that every student understood the solution. (老师彻底地解释了数学问题,确保每个学生都理解了解决方法。)

10. The athlete thoroughly stretched before the race to prevent any injuries. (运动员在比赛前彻底地进行了拉伸,以防止受伤。)

11. 我们彻底地清理了车库,扔掉了很多不需要的东西。

12. 这本书彻底地改变了我的观点,让我有了全新的思考方式。

13. 他们彻底地改革了公司的管理体系,使其更高效。

14. 经过彻底的调查,警方最终找到了失踪的孩子。

15. 她彻底地学习了这门课程,取得了优异的成绩。

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