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时间: 2024-09-18 20:08:46


1. Please tidy up your room before we have guests over. 中文:在客人来之前请把你的房间整理一下。

2. She always keeps her desk tidy and organized. 中文:她总是保持她的书桌整洁有序。

3. I need to tidy my schedule to make time for this new project. 中文:我需要整理我的日程表来腾出时间做这个新项目。

4. The maid comes every morning to tidy the house. 中文:女佣每天早上来收拾房子。

5. He asked the students to tidy their desks before leaving the classroom. 中文:他要求学生们在离开教室前整理他们的书桌。

6. I'll just tidy up the kitchen before we start cooking. 中文:我们开始做饭之前我会把厨房整理一下。

7. The gardener tidied the flower beds and trimmed the bushes. 中文:园丁整理了花坛并修剪了灌木。

8. She tidied her hair and put on a fresh coat of lipstick before the meeting. 中文:她在会议前整理了头发,涂了一层新的唇膏。

9. The children were asked to tidy up the toys before bedtime. 中文:孩子们在睡觉前被要求整理玩具。

10. We need to tidy the garage so we can fit the car in. 中文:我们需要整理车库,这样才能把车放进去。

11. The housekeeper tidied the hotel room and left fresh towels. 中文:管家整理了酒店房间并留下了新毛巾。

12. I always feel better when my workspace is tidy and clutter-free. 中文:当我的工作空间整洁无杂物时,我总是感觉更好。

13. Can you tidy up the living room before our guests arrive? 中文:在客人到达之前你能把客厅整理一下吗?

14. The librarian asked everyone to tidy the shelves and put the books back in order. 中文:图书管理员要求所有人整理书架,把书重新归类。

15. After the party, we spent the morning tidying up the house. 中文:派对结束后,我们花了一个早上整理房子。

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