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时间: 2024-09-10 04:10:39



1. The snake injects venom, a potent toxin, into its prey. (蛇将毒液注入猎物体内,这是一种强效的毒素。)

2. Environmental toxins can accumulate in the food chain, posing risks to wildlife and humans. (环境毒素可以在食物链中积累,对野生动物和人类构成风险。)

3. Smoking introduces toxins into the bloodstream, affecting overall health. (吸烟会将毒素引入血液中,影响整体健康。)

4. Some plants produce toxins to defend against herbivores. (有些植物产生毒素以抵御草食动物。)

5. The cleaning products contain harsh toxins that are harmful if ingested. (清洁产品含有严重的毒素,如果误食会有害。)

6. The liver detoxifies the body by removing harmful toxins. (肝脏通过清除有害毒素来排毒。)

7. Certain fungi release toxins that can cause illness in humans. (某些真菌释放出可导致人类生病的毒素。)

8. The laboratory identified a new toxin in the contaminated water sample. (实验室在被污染的水样品中发现了一种新的毒素。)

9. Marine biologists study the effects of algae toxins on ocean ecosystems. (海洋生物学家研究藻类毒素对海洋生态系统的影响。)

10. The toxin paralyzed the nervous system of the insect, causing its death. (毒素使昆虫的神经系统瘫痪,导致它的死亡。)

11. Toxins released by bacteria can lead to food poisoning if food is improperly stored. (如果食物储存不当,细菌释放的毒素会导致食物中毒。)

12. The patient exhibited symptoms of toxin exposure after ingesting a household chemical. (患者在误食家庭化学品后表现出毒素接触的症状。)

13. The snake's toxin acted swiftly, immobilizing its prey within seconds. (蛇的毒素作用迅速,在几秒钟内使猎物麻痹。)

14. Heavy metals are known environmental toxins that can persist in soil and water. (重金属是已知的环境毒素,可以在土壤和水中持久存在。)

15. The detox diet aims to rid the body of accumulated toxins through dietary changes. (排毒饮食旨在通过饮食改变清除体内积累的毒素。)


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