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时间: 2024-09-17 13:11:45



1. He suffered from toxication after accidentally ingesting a poisonous mushroom. (他误食了有毒的蘑菇后中毒了。)

2. The symptoms of toxication included nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. (中毒的症状包括恶心、头晕和呼吸困难。)

3. Proper ventilation is essential to prevent toxication in poorly ventilated spaces. (良好的通风是防止不通风空间中毒的关键。)

4. The industrial accident resulted in the toxication of several workers due to chemical exposure. (工业事故导致多名工人因接触化学品而中毒。)

5. She was rushed to the hospital after showing signs of toxication from cleaning chemicals. (她因接触清洁化学品后显示出中毒症状而被紧急送往医院。)

6. The doctor quickly identified the source of toxication as carbon monoxide poisoning. (医生迅速确定了中毒的来源是一氧化碳中毒。)

7. Farmers are trained to recognize signs of toxication in livestock caused by poisonous plants. (农民接受培训,以识别因有毒植物导致的家畜中毒的迹象。)

8. The emergency response team arrived promptly to treat victims of toxication at the chemical spill site. (应急响应团队迅速赶到化学泄漏现场,处理中毒的受害者。)

9. Toxication can occur from inhaling fumes in poorly ventilated areas. (在通风不良的地方吸入有毒烟雾可能导致中毒。)

10. The warning signs posted near the factory entrance remind employees about the risks of toxication. (工厂入口附近的警告标志提醒员工有关中毒风险。)

11. Pets should be kept away from areas where toxication hazards exist, such as pesticide storage areas. (宠物应远离存在中毒危险的区域,如农药存放区域。)

12. The cleanup crew wore protective gear to avoid toxication while cleaning up the spill. (清理人员穿戴防护装备,以避免在清理泄漏时中毒。)

13. Severe toxication cases require immediate medical intervention to prevent further complications. (严重的中毒病例需要立即进行医疗干预,以防止进一步并发症。)

14. Residents were evacuated from their homes due to the risk of toxication from a nearby chemical fire. (由于附近化学品火灾的中毒风险,居民被疏散出家园。)

15. The school conducted a safety drill to educate students about the dangers of toxication from household chemicals. (学校进行了安全演习,教育学生有关家用化学品中毒危险的知识。)


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