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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:22


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "traduce," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She tried to traduce her colleague by spreading false rumors about him. (她试图通过散布关于同事的虚假谣言来诽谤他。)

2. The politician was accused of attempting to traduce his opponent during the debate. (在辩论中,这位政治家被指控企图诋毁他的对手。)

3. The newspaper article was intended to traduce the reputation of the company. (这篇报纸文章意在诋毁该公司的声誉。)

4. His former friends sought to traduce him after their falling out. (在友谊破裂后,他的前朋友们企图诽谤他。)

5. It's unfair to traduce someone without concrete evidence. (在没有确凿证据的情况下诋毁某人是不公平的。)

6. The author felt betrayed when his words were twisted to traduce his intentions. (当他的言论被歪曲以扭曲他的意图时,这位作者感到背叛。)

7. They attempted to traduce the reputation of the charity organization for their own gain. (他们企图为了自己的利益而诽谤慈善组织的声誉。)

8. The opposing team tried to traduce the star player by spreading rumors of misconduct. (对方团队试图通过散布不端行为的谣言来诋毁这位明星球员。)

9. She refused to traduce her principles despite pressure from her peers. (尽管受到同行的压力,她拒绝了对自己的原则进行诽谤。)

10. The documentary sought to traduce the historical figure, but many viewers questioned its accuracy. (这部纪录片试图诽谤这位历史人物,但许多观众质疑其准确性。)

11. He warned his team not to traduce their opponents in the media. (他警告他的团队不要在媒体上诋毁对手。)

12. The gossip column was notorious for its attempts to traduce celebrities. (这个八卦栏目以诽谤名人而闻名。)

13. The journalist was fired for attempting to traduce the mayor with fabricated stories. (这名记者因试图用捏造的故事诽谤市长而被解雇。)

14. The bitter ex-employee sought to traduce the company after being laid off. (这位怨愤的前雇员在被解雇后试图诽谤公司。)

15. They were sued for attempting to traduce the scientist's research findings. (他们因试图诽谤科学家的研究成果而被起诉。)


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